sexta-feira, janeiro 13, 2006

on why architects are sexy

este senhor chama-se rem koolhaas, é holandês, vive com uma arquitecta paisagista (it could be me!) fez a casa da música (entre muitas outras coisas) e este foi o seu discurso na fase final do concurso para o teatro de dallas. consta que arrasou o júri e sim, ganhou.

'To be honest, what interests me about this project is it's inherent contradictions. We all have drives that in some way contradict each other. For example we may personally want to be rich enough to not have to work, but we also recognize that to be happy we must make full use of our powers along lines of competitive excellence. We stand confident of our ideas but eager for the approval of others. Similar architectural contradictions exist. All buildings strive to be as contextual as reasonable yet to be unique enough to stand apart as truly great. Buildings want to be simple, yet richly complex; lavish but inexpensive; historical but fresh. Life, like architecture, is full of these contradictions. My architecture strives to winnow such contradictions out, to admire them, to embrace them, and to display them.'

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